
Showing posts with the label GoogleDrive

[Google Sheets] Use useful SUBTOTAL functions for subtotal summation.

SUBTOTAL function is a useful function for calculating subtotal in Google Sheet or Excel. This function exists in Excel as well as in Google Sheet. A situation in which a SUBTOTAL() function is required Calculates the partial sum of the columns (vertical) on the sheet. We get the same total of the two below, the first total is 1,600,000 won and the second total is 1,200,000 won. If it's normal, it's right to pay 1,200,000 won like on the right. This is because the experience fee and meal fee are subtotal, so if you add them all up, it will be duplicated. 16,000,000 : The amount is added up to the subtotal, so it is an incorrect value. 1,200,000 : This is correct because subtotal is not duplicated. It's a very easy function to use in summation expressions with subtotal. How to use the SUBTOTAL() function SUBTOTAL is not necessarily a function that calculates the sum of the ranges. Various values are available as shown below, but it is recommended to remember SUM(...

[Google Sheets] How to fix rows and columns of Google sheets

When you use a spreadsheet, it is sometimes convenient to fix a header or title if you have more content. This time, I'm going to post how to fix the header or title. Number 1 looks like a fixed row. Number 2 is Mo that holds the heat. Fixing a Row Fixing rows is the first row of the sheet, and the second row can be fixed by default. You can also fix it based on where the current cursor is located. First, select the row you want to pin. Select View from the top menu. Select Fix . Select the menu for fixation. No row fixation : Initializes row fixation. row 1 : Fix the first row, so row 1. 2 rows ** : Fix the second row, so row 2. Up to row : You can fix it based on the currently selected row. If you select the fifth row with your mouse, you will see **until the fifth. This creates a horizontally thick gray line like above and does not scroll up. Fixing Heat Column fixation can be specified in the same way as row fixation. The method is the same as holdi...

[Google Sheets] Everything in Google Sheet Conditional Form

Google sheets can be conditionally formatted like Excel. Conditional formatting is the ability to change the style of a cell or line when the content of a cell meets certain conditions. a conditional form Conditional formats can be divided into two main categories. General conditional format to change the style of one's own cell if the conditions are met There is a custom formula that can be applied with various conditions and formats. General Conditional Format General conditional formatting has the advantage of being able to set conditions simply. However, you can format only your own cells. The conditional format is to mark the cell if the score is less than or equal to 50 points in the columns A. Conditions can conveniently specify different conditions for text, dates, and numbers at once, but the formatting range is reflected only in those cells. For example, if you want to format the entire row that corresponds to the cell's condition, you must use custom f...

Create a drop-down list in Google Sheets

Hello. I will explain about making a drop-down list on the Google sheet. The drop-down list is used in various places. I'm going to explain it as an example that applies to the itinerary. There are two main ways to use the drop-down list. One of them is to make it using a legend, and one is to make it by entering the item yourself. 1. How to make using a legend The most commonly used method is to create a separate legend sheet, create a list, and connect it. ▲ I'm going to apply the date. As shown above, you can see that the drop-down list has been applied from Day 1 to Day 5 ▲ You make a sheet called legend and you refer to the item here and bring it up. How to make it Drop-down lists can be created using the Data > Data Verification feature. First, select the item with the date Select Data from the top menu bar. Select Check Data at the bottom. Cell range is the location of the cell to which the corresponding drop-down list applies. You can specif...

How to use Google Workspace for free

Google is slowly showing that its revenue model is advertising, offering angelically many useful services free of charge, and then asking them to pay after gaining almost exclusive status. You don't like it, but you don't have an alternative, so you pay for it by crying and eating mustard. However, even though it is disgusting, it is difficult to see it as a bad thing from the standpoint of individual users because it provides high-quality services for free at first. One of those services is Google Workspace , which is also available for businesses to pay for, but is free for most individuals. Google Workspace includes the following programs: # Google Workspace Docs : Word processor programs such as MS Word Sheets : A spreadsheet program like MS Excel Slides : Presentation programs like MS PowerPoint Forms : Questionnaire Program Keep : Instant Memo Program Sites : Program to create a website (only included in paid services) Drive : Online Cloud Storage Gmail...

Start Google Sheets

How to use Google Sheets. First, the description is based on working on your PC, and you can start by accessing the URL in your web browser. There are various web browsers, but I think it would be better to use Chrome ) created by the same Google in terms of compatibility. Open Google Drive To use Sheets, you can access directly or . Or you can access the URL of the document itself from the beginning. Direct access to document URL There are individual differences for each person, but I recommend an approach to for now. If I only use the day and night Jangcheon Sheets, it is convenient to access them directly, but if I use Google's various services such as Google Docs and Google Slide, it is good to access in many ways. If you sign up for Google and use Drive, you can meet the above screen. My Drives can be managed...

How to link schedules to Google Calendar with Google Spreadsheets

I tend to use Google products a lot. My main calendar is also Google Calendar. As I became an executive of the group this time, I had to register my members' birthdays on the calendar. While I was just registering one by one, "What am I doing right now?" I'm starting to feel that kind of shame. The thought of registering the date information (birthday) on the Google sheet at once easily crossed my mind. So I looked it up and... I think it'll be possible if I write a little macro program. So I worked hard to develop it. It took 8 hours to register in an hour, so I made a program. As a result, it was more inefficient. crying But... It was inefficient for me, but I think it could be of great help to others if I disclose this code, so I'm going to reveal the code. Supplies All you need is a Google spreadsheet and a Google calendar. Of course, it's free. Google Calendar First, create a Google Calendar or prepare the calendar you are using. ... on the...

Google Sheets 시작하기

Google Sheets(줄여서 Sheets)를 사용하는 방법입니다. 일단 설명은 PC에서 작업하는 것을 기준으로 하며, 웹브라우저에서 URL 접근을 통해 시작할 수 있습니다. 다양한 웹브라우저가 있지만 아무래도 같은 구글에서 만들어진 크롬 을 사용하는 것이 호환성 면에서 좋을 것 같습니다. Google Drive 열기 Sheets를 사용하기 위해서는로 직접 접근하는 방법과 로 접근하는 방법이 있습니다. 아니면 처음부터 문서 자체의 URL로 접근하는 방법도 있고요. 직접 문서 URL로 접근 사람마다 개인차는 있으나 저는 일단로 접근하는 방법을 추천드립니다. 내가 주야장천 Sheets만 사용한다면 sheets로 바로 접근하는 것이 편리하지만 구글 독스, 구글 슬라이드 등 구글의 다양한 서비스를 사용한다면로 접근하는 것이 여러모로 좋습니다. 만약 구글 회원가입이 되어 있고 Drive를 사용한다고 하면 위와 같은 화면을 만날 수 있습니다. 내 드라이브는 클라우드로 제공된 내 Drive의 내용을 탐색기처럼 폴더 구조로 구분하여 관리할 수 있습니다. 매인 화면에도 Root의 폴더와 파일들을 보여 줍니다. 현재 나의 클라우드 사용 용량을 볼 수 있으며 만약 무료 저장용량이 15GB를 넘게 되면 추가로 용량을 구매할 수 있습니다. 만약 컴퓨터에 드라이브 프로그램을 깔았다면 클라우드에 자동으로 파일을 동기화할 수도 있습니다. 다른 사람의 공유 문서를 이곳에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 새로 만들기를 하면 여러 가지를 생성할 수 있습니다. 폴더를 만들거나 업로드를 할 수 있고 Sheets도 생성할 수 있습니다. Google Sheets 사용하기 Sheets를 ...

Google Workspace 무료 사용 방법

구글이 자신들의 수익모델은 광고라고 하면서 천사처럼 많은 유용한 서비스를 무료로 제공하다가 거의 독점적인 지위를 획득 한 다음에 돈을 내라고 하는 모습을 슬슬 보이고 있습니다. 마음에 들지 않지만 대안이 없는 상황에 울며 겨자 먹기로 비용을 지불하게 됩니다. 그러나 괘심하긴 해도 완성도 높은 서비스를 처음에 무료로 제공해 주니 개인 사용자 입장이라면 나쁘게만 보기도 어렵기는 합니다. 그런 서비스 중에 Google Workspace 가 있는데 이 서비스도 기업에서 사용하면 유료의 비용을 지불해야 하지만 개인이라면 대부분 무료로 사용할 수 있습니다. Google Workspace에는 아래의 프로그램들이 포함되어 있습니다. Google Workspace Docs : MS워드 같은 워드프로세서 프로그램 Sheets : MS엑셀 같은 스프레드시트 프로그램 Slides : MS파워포인트 같은 프리젠테이션 프로그램 Forms : 설문지 프로그램 Keep : 인스턴트 메모 프로그램 Sites : 웹사이트 만드는 프로그램(유료 서비스에만 포함) Drive : 온라인 클라우드 저장소 Gmail : 이메일 프로그램 Meet : ZOOM 같은 화상회의 프로그램 Calender : 일정관리 프로그램 Chat : 채팅, 메신저 프로그램 가격 개인이 사용할 경우는 대부분 무료입니다. 대표 프로그램 Google Workspace 의 대표 프로그램이라 하면 Drive , Docs , Sheets , Slides 라고 할 수 있으며 마이크로소프트의 오피스 프로그램인 MS워드, MS엑셀, MS파워포인트와 비슷한 프로그램입니다. 무료 로 사용할 수 있으면 웹브라우저(크롬)만 있으면 언제 어디서나 사용할 수 있습니다. Google 프로그램끼리 호환성도 좋고 작업물에 대한 댓글이나 채팅, 실시간 수정, 공동 작업 등.. 협업을 하기에 최적화되어 있습니다. Google Docs 구글 독스는 MS워드나 아래아한글같은 워드프로세스 프로그...