
Showing posts with the label GoogleSheet

Create a drop-down list in Google Sheets

Hello. I will explain about making a drop-down list on the Google sheet. The drop-down list is used in various places. I'm going to explain it as an example that applies to the itinerary. There are two main ways to use the drop-down list. One of them is to make it using a legend, and one is to make it by entering the item yourself. 1. How to make using a legend The most commonly used method is to create a separate legend sheet, create a list, and connect it. ▲ I'm going to apply the date. As shown above, you can see that the drop-down list has been applied from Day 1 to Day 5 ▲ You make a sheet called legend and you refer to the item here and bring it up. How to make it Drop-down lists can be created using the Data > Data Verification feature. First, select the item with the date Select Data from the top menu bar. Select Check Data at the bottom. Cell range is the location of the cell to which the corresponding drop-down list applies. You can specif...

구글 스프레드시트로 캘린더 이벤트 등록하기

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