
Showing posts with the label Park Bulgogi

Eonyang Bulgogi (Park Bulgogi) when it comes to Eonyang

[A place to visit in Ulsan and Pohang] Shortcut to the key points of their trip to Ulsan and Pohang When it comes to bulgogi, there are different types of bulgogi in different regions and different recipes. Bulgogi in Eonyang area, which is quite famous among such bulgogi, is located near Ulsan. So I decided to travel to Ulsan this time. When we used a delicious and cheap house, we said, "Ah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"** It's a travel style that pursues cost-effectiveness, so Eonyang Bulgogi is not a good sport. Eonyang Bulgogi is famous for Korean beef, but I thought it would be a waste for two people to pay 50,000 won per meal. But... There are many restaurants that are closed because it is the day before New Year's Day, and I need to eat, and this is the only place that is open... So I went in. Eonyang Bulgogi Restaurant Park Bulgogi Originally, when you search on the Internet, **Bulgo at Eonyang tile restaurant ** comes out first, and Park Bulgogi is located a lit...