To take advantage of Google Maps when you travel plan
How to plan your trip from usual? I mainly 구글 드라이브 in 내지도 and 스프레드시트 I build leverage. If you want to take advantage of Google Drive Benefits are also quickly cases get to determine where or pocket WIFI any surface it carries with when and where to travel places and events that have Internet access, you ever know Variable Plan B digesting travel smoothly without embarrassment Find You can. Store all the information of the destination on the map in Google Maps I'd like to go this time I travel to Tokyo. It found that the attractions of Tokyo as the first place to go while browsing the Internet, surfing, restaurants, etc. in Google Maps My Maps , you write to. To do so, you must first create a My Map. To make even If there are this storage function Naver maps and maps cacao euryeonman good ... as far as I know, you know that the ability to save this place to Google Maps only. (Or please comm...